Dame, Stoddard & Kendall reels were made for them by other companies. They were a large fishing tackle dealer in Boston, MA. A lot of the reels were made for them by Julius vom Hofe. The business did make rods and flies. It was one of the largest tackle houses in the New England states area. The original company was Bradford & Anthony that started in 1863. The Bradford & Anthony reels were sold starting in 1867 through 1883. They sold the business to Dame, Stoddard & Kendall in 1883. They are considered one of the great New England Area Tackle Houses.
The DAME, STODDARD & KENDALL Size 2 Brass Reel, Circa 1885
DAME, STODDARD & KENDALL Reel made by Julius vom Hofe
The DAME, STODDARD & KENDALL Tiny Fly Reel, Circa 1885
The DAME, STODDARD & KENDALL 1883 Ad in “Forest & Stream” Magazine