Abbey & Imbrie reels were marked with their name after they acquired the fishing tackle business of Andrew Clerk & Co. in 1875. Andrew Clerk’s name did still appear in their 1882 company letterhead, however. The Abbey & Imbrie catalogs show the company was actually established in 1820. Since they were in the general fishing tackle business, it is doubtful that they actually made their reels. Most of the reels seen in their catalogs appear to be made by Julius vom Hofe early on and later by Montague, Shakespeare, Ocean City and Bronson. They continued to sell fishing tackle up until the 1930’s. Abbey & Imbrie is considered to be one of the great New York fishing tackle supply houses.
ABBEY & IMBRIE Size 5 Ball Handle Reel, Circa 1875
The OCEAN CITY “Interocean” 6/0 Size Reel Made for ABBEY & IMBRIE
Abbey & Imbrie Size 3 Reel Made by Julius vom Hofe
ABBEY & IMBRIE Ad in 1875 “Forest & Stream” Magazine
ABBEY & IMBRIE Ads in the 1883 “The American Angler” Magazine
ABBEY & IMBRIE 1882 Letterheads
To see the reels and lures in the 1884 catalog, click on the link below
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