EVH first reels were made after his company was established in 1867. They are made of German silver and had an ornate S-shaped handle. They came with sliding spool axle bearing covers to allow for easy lubrication. The first models had Edward vom Hofe’s name beautifully engraved onto the reel rather than impression stamped. He then started stamping the reel with his name and his star logo. The 5 pointed star is seen on his early reels when he started stamping his name on them. He later named one of his top-of-the-line reel models as “Star.” It wasn’t until later that he started stamping his name on the sliding oiling covers. The EVH first reels served as the beginning of the many types of reels to come. He made reels varying from small to large sizes to be used for any type of fishing.
The EDWARD Vom HOFE German Silver Reel, Engraved 1867
The EDWARD Vom HOFE German Silver Reel, Circa 1867
The EDWARD Vom HOFE German Silver Reel, Engraved 1872
The EDWARD Vom HOFE German Silver Reel, Engraved 1875
The EDWARD Vom HOFE German Silver Reel, Circa 1876
The EDWARD Vom HOFE “STAR” 3/0 Size Reel Engraved 1890
The EDWARD Vom HOFE Early Salmon Reel, circa 1890

The Early EDWARD Vom HOFE Reel Markings

EDWARD Vom HOFE Ad in 1876 Forest and Stream Magazine