JVH Casting Reels were made in a wide range of reel quality from ones of German silver metal and hard rubber to those of nickel plated brass. Casting and salt water type reels were popular Julius vom Hofe products. This classification of reels includes bait casting reels, surf casting reels, and trolling and bottom fishing reels. There were more JVH casting reels sold than any other of their fishing reels.
JULIUS VOM HOFE German Silver Casting Reels

JULIUS VOM HOFE Raised Pillar Size 2 Casting Reels

JULIUS VOM HOFE “President” Casting Reel

The JULIUS VOM HOFE “President” Reel in a 1896 Catalog

The JULIUS VOM HOFE “Quadruple” Casting Reel w/Box

The JULIUS VOM HOFE 150 Yard Size Casting Reel w/Box
The JULIUS vom HOFE Size 3 1/2 Bass Reel

The JULIUS VOM HOFE Size 2 Surf Tournament Reel

The JULIUS VOM HOFE Size 3 Tournament Reel
The JULIUS VOM HOFE 3/0 Size Free Spool Reel