Reuben Heaton Reels – Birmingham, England

The Reuben Heaton reels were made by the company for a long period of time. The company was founded in 1857. They made both fly reels and multiplying reels. Probably the most interesting reels made by them were the ones with an image of a standing fisherman. The image was stamped on both sides of the reel and shows a lot of detail. The reels with the fisherman image were made from about 1890 to 1900. Heaton later made more common styles of fly reels. The company is still in business today and provide a large range of fishing items. The early Heaton reels are considered to be made by one of the great UK reel makers.

Rueben Heaton Reel
The REUBEN HEATON Fisherman Fly Reel

The REUBEN HEATON Reel Fisherman Reel