EVH fly reels came in two styles, and that’s with and without a drag. The “Perfection” model No. 360 has an adjustable drag. It came in sizes from a large 1/0 down to a small size 5. The drag adjustment for the reel is located under the crank handle. The “Peerless” model No. 355 has an on/off click mechanism. It came in a largest size 1 down to a small size 5 also. In general, the smaller the size, the fewer models that were made, and hence, makes them scarcer. EVH fly reels are one of models he offered. Edward vom Hofe made a large line of reels for catching any type of fish.
The “PEERLESS” Fly Reels

The EDWARD Vom HOFE No. 360 “PERFECTION” Size 3 Fly Reel, circa 1900

The EDWARD Vom HOFE No. 360 “PERFECTION” Size 2 Fly Reel

The EDWARD Vom HOFE No. 355 “PEERLESS” Size 4 Fly Reel

A Pair of No. 355 “PEERLESS” Fly Reels
The EDWARD Vom HOFE No. 355 “PEERLESS” Size 2 Fly Reel