Hawks & Ogilvy reels were made for them by other companies. They were a large fishing tackle dealer in New York, NY in the 1870’s and 1880’s. Thomas E.B. Hawks and Robert Ogilvy were the owners of the business at 300 Broadway. The New York City Directories show them as merchants for fish hooks in 1874 and by 1876 as merchants for fishing tackle. The business did make rods and flies. Most of the reels that have been found with the Hawks & Ogilvy marking were made for them by Julius vom Hofe. Their highest quality reel was a German silver reel with an S-shaped handle. It also included the November 26, 1867 patent by Julius vom Hofe. Their 1885 catalog shows that you could purchase the reel with the patent upgrade at an additional cost. The catalog also shows they were selling reels by all the known makers selling patented reels like Malleson, Billinghurst, Orvis and Fowler. Hawks & Ogilvy is considered to be one of the great New York Tackle Dealers.
The HAWKS & OGILVY Reel Made by Julius vom Hofe

The HAWKS & OGILVY Reel Showing the 1867 Julius vom Hofe Patent

The HAWKS & OGILVY Large Size 2/00 Reel Made by JULIUS VOM HOFE
The HAWKS & OGILVY Small Size 5 Reel Made by JULIUS VOM HOFE
The HAWKS & OGILVY Small 25 Yard Size Reel Made by JULIUS VOM HOFE

Ads in 1884 Showing HAWKS & OGILVY Were The Supplier of The B.F. Nichols Spilt Bamboo Rods

HAWKS & OGILVY 1885 Catalog Pages

HAWKS & OGILVY 1887 and 1889 Catalog Covers

HAWKS & OGILVY 1885 Invoice

Grave Marker for THOMAS E.B. HAWKS