Frank Perez Reels – Brooklyn and Great Neck, NY

Frank Perez reels were first made in Brooklyn, NY starting in 1925. About 800 were made by him up until Word War II intervened. He resumed reel making in 1945. The final reel manufacturing of Perez reels was then being done in Great Neck, NY.

Frank Perez was born in Havana, Cuba on March 25, 1879. The 1930 US Census shows his occupation as a “Machinist.” The 1940 US Census shows his occupation as “Fishing Tackle.” Frank died at 79 on September 14, 1958.

Frank Perez reels were developed using the concepts he learned from E. Holzmann. Perez reels contain Holzmann features including a screw-off head plate and a thumb operated free-spool lever. The first Perez reels were not marked with his name and closely resemble the Holzmann “Surf King.” The transition reels also have spools with stepped ends like a Holzmann reel. The Perez No. 1 is marked and smooth spool ends. Frank Perez reels are considered to be made by one of the great New York reel makers.

The Unmarked HOLZMANN/PEREZ Transition Reel

The PEREZ No.1 Reel

Frank Perez Trolling Reel

The PEREZ No.1 Reel Box Inserts

PEREZ Reel Brochure

HOLZMANN/PEREZ Transition Reel and PEREZ No. 1 Comparison

To see a 1949 magazine article about Frank Perez, click on the link below.

Another Great Antique Fishing Tackle Website: