Florida Artificial Bait Co. – Jacksonville, FL

The Florida Artificial Bait Co. made the Superstrike Shrimp. George Ettles was granted a patent for his jointed celluloid shrimp in 1931. The sections were cut out of celluloid, painted by hand and then assembled. The shrimp fishing lure was sold in three sizes – six joints, five joints and fly rod size. The lure also came with a single large hook rather than the two treble hooks. There are three color patterns. The most common is the one with red pinstripes. Next most common is the clear one with black highlights. The least common is the all white version. The Florida Artificial Bait Co. is consider to be one of the great North Florida Lure Makers.

florida artifical bait co


The Florida Artificial SUPERSTRIKE Shrimp Lure, circa 1933


The Florida Artificial SUPERSTRIKE Shrimp Lures, circa 1933


The Florida Artificial SUPERSTRIKE Shrimp Lure Collection of Bernie Schultz


The Florida Artificial SUPERSTRIKE Shrimp Ad in 1941 “William Mills & Son” Catalog